
Showing posts from 2012

Download Songs for Free

I’m telling you one fun way to download any songs for free. Not just it is a cool way to download free music also it helps you to explore new songs.

How can I Prevent my Facebook account from being hacked?

Facebook is not just an entertainment medium for most of us lately, it’s much more, with over 53 million users in India alone and with tremendous growth Facebook has become a virtual world for most of us, it helps us to stay in touch with our friends, relatives, teachers whom we might not be able to meet for years without FB.  Your FB account means a lot to you and you agree to it. What if some hacker breaks into your account and devastates everything, or your personal info is revealed to someone, as it is. 

Image Steganography

Image Steganography means hiding text behind an image so that no one other than the intended person gets the message that one wants to send. Steganography v/s Cryptography? In cryptography it is pretty vivid that the sender is sending some message but in such format that can’t be read unless it is decrypted, while in Steganography, intruder won’t even know that there is some message been sent in addition to the image, so in no way he will try to read the hidden message. Eventually intruder won’t even realize that there is some .

Hacking Java apps

I always wanted to create my own games since I first played Mario on gameboy, with time I learnt a lot but not enough to create my own games, but what I learned is how to show some game look like it’s been created by me. Look at the image below, at the start of the game Image-1 shows up but I’ve edited the game to show my image(image-2), so I can show it to my friends and brag saying this game is created by me, but the fact is that I haven’t created it. 

Sending fake facebook message

Hey! Today I’m going to show you how you can send a forged message in facebook. I suggest you see this post about sending forged mail first. A prerequisite is that the person on fb whom you want to send fake mail, must have a facebook username. Second, you must have the email id of the person whose message you want to send. For example, if yo

Minimizing efforts using AutoHotKey

In windows the most usual way to open up a file, directory or executable is to navigate all the way through path and then double clicking the target file, way too annoying.Another approach is to keep shortcuts on the desktop, okay better than the tradition method but still requires a lot of effort, if you are a geek you may not want to do so much hard work. Hence I looked for a way even easier and what I found is AutoHotKey. Since last 2 days I’m using this awesome tool and I find it pretty easy to employ.

Lets Create a Virus

If you have every used a computer then you must have ever been struck by a virus and you must have shed tears because of it, today I will teach you how to create a virus that will prevent victim from opening a website by blocking it. Viruses are basically not any different from user application programs but the difference comes in the way they are implemented. As in, they also use the services of kernel and shell, they also run on the top of OS but as viruses are created for cruel deeds, they are categorized as virus. Similarly in this post we will create an C program that will modify the HOST file on victims computer so that the victim won’t be able to access certain website.

OSI model explained

Hey Friends I have got something really basic for you, OSI model is considered as the base of networking and this is some thing that you must know about networking. This tutorial is not written by me I found it on HF and after reading I thought it explain the concept in the best way and I decided to share it with all my readers.  Whole credits for this post goes to   prtablegm .

Create Fake-Page of any website “manually”

  In one of my previous post I showed how facebook accounts are hacked using fake page , where I gave the download link for facebook fake page. This post is about how to create fake pages of any website on your own. There are anyways many automatic fake page creator software like PHISH CREATOR V2, but these tools are not helpful when you want to learn something, because you won’t get to know what is happening around, also creating fake page is not a chaotic or time consuming task so no need of automated tools.

Hacking Facebook accounts: Easiest way revealed

Do you want to hack account of your friend but you are not a computer aficionado? let me tell you one thing, you don’t have to be a hacker to do so, as you can still hack your friends account. I’m sharing with you the easiest way to hack facebook account and its counter measures. You might have heard of a term ‘keylogger’ haven’t you?  A keylogger is simple software (sometimes hardware too) that stealthily records keystrokes typed by user.

Complete guide to Cyber Anonymity

No doubt, in this era we have a very strong role-player, who has influenced our life in many ways, that is Internet. Somehow we're getting dependent on internet and not even concerned about our safety and privacy. I want you to see this website  stayinvisible . Shocked! To see how much information do they have about you. Even Google record and store much of your information. And we don't know how many websites out there are having personal information of yours, that you won't like. So this guide is for you to stay anonymous and live free without being concerned about your security over the Internet. Consider following options

Know someone's IP on the internet

Every device in a network has a unique identification that is called IP (aka Internet Protocol). So every time you connect to Internet your computer is assigned an IP by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Most people know this story but what they don’t know is that this IP is meant to be kept undisclosed, as if any pro hacker comes to know your IP, he might be able to break into your computer. In this post we’ll create an IP-Logger script and find out how it works.

Cool Desktop Prank

Hey! This is a easy to perform prank and it works well. I used to play this prank a lot on my friend during my early days of college. Today when one of my friend tried this prank on me, it reminded me of early days. I thought I must share this trick with you all.

Basic Guide To Remote Keyloggers

Today we will consider another basic hacking technique called keylogging.  Keylogging certainly is extensively used for hacking password of facebook, twitter and even bank accounts. Keylogger is a small program that runs in stealth mode in victim’s computer and record each and every keystroke typed by user, including login information (ids and passwords). Remote keylogger is a keylogger that sends logs to the hacker via email or ftp. As there are number of keyloggers out there and most of them are pretty easy to use, keylogging wouldn’t have been a tiring task if antivirus didn’t exist, but unfortunately they do, so we need to have a strategy to fool and bypass antivirus, these strategies we will discuss later.


Ever thought of having freedom to send mail from any email id? Fortunately this is possible and very easy to perform. Mail spoofing is performed by manipulating the ‘email header’ of an email in such a way that it looks like sent from a legit user of email and not from the original sender. E-Mail spoofing is possible because SMTP(protocol used to send E-mail) does not provide a mechanism for authentication of email sender.   In this post I will teach you how to create your own email forge, well if you want to send forge mail without getting deep into the internals still you can send mail by using these sites - - -Ask google for more  But for true geeks we will go deep and create our own email forger, which will help us understand the working in a better way and hence will get more interesting. Let’s begin -First of all you need to create an account in a free file hosting site (I recommend http://www.000...

PHISHING-Hacking Facebook!

Hey! Today I will show you how phishing attacks are performed. Phishing (not fishing) is one of the easiest and popular email hacking techniques used by hackers. All you need is some good social engineering skills and a stupid victim (yes, if the victim is too smart he won’t get hacked). How phishing is performed? To perform phishing, the hacker creates a fake login page of the website whose account he wants to hack ,to demonstrate we will create a fake login page of   Facebook . Now the hacker has to make the victim login to that fake page which looks exactly similar to the actual facebook login page, the victim misinterpret fake page with the original  login page of facebook and enters his credentials that’s how his account gets hacked.   Let’s roll… Here begins the action, download this  tool kit and extract it in a folder using winrar, please note here you have these files        1.  a.php      2....