Hacking Java apps
I always wanted to create my own games since I first played Mario on gameboy, with time I learnt a lot but not enough to create my own games, but what I learned is how to show some game look like it’s been created by me. Look at the image below, at the start of the game Image-1 shows up but I’ve edited the game to show my image(image-2), so I can show it to my friends and brag saying this game is created by me, but the fact is that I haven’t created it.
In this image Hackaholic is written instead of SilverBirch so actually when you install and play this game in your java supportable cell phone, there will be written Hackaholic and not SilverBirch studious. Let’s perform this hack, download The Blade of Zorro from here, save it in your computer now open the jar file using winrar. Extract “spl.png” file, this is the image which is showed when the game starts, so we need to edit this file.
It’s up to you how you edit this image, you may edit just a part of it or replace the whole image with other; you can put a pic of yours, but keep the name and dimensions of image intact. You can edit it using any image editor say like photoshop, MSPaint or any other. After having edited the image, open the jar file using winrar. Now drag the image you just created and drop into the area of winrar.
Winrar will ask for confirmation, keep update mode to “add and replace” and click OK.
Now you have the jar file which can be installed on any device which has a JVM,which is usually found on most mobiles phone today, so you are ready to blow your own horn in front of your chums.